July 6, 2009

Waldorf Salad

My craving today for Waldorf salad was something I could not explain.  Nor was it something that I could deny.  Did you know that Waldorf salad originated in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel?  I didn't.  Wikipedia did.  I always thought it was just something that grandmothers made and then passed on to a generation of PTA moms to make for potlucks and picnics.  Wikipedia has proven me wrong yet again!  Just kidding.  It's usually me proving other people wrong (hi, Matt), and then using Wikipedia to back myself up.  

Aaaaaanyway... I really wanted Waldorf salad tonight, and Waldorf salad I did make.  I didn't take many pictures along the way because I just wasn't feeling it.  I was feeling the Waldorf salad though.  Yeah, you betcha I was.  Speaking of which, I was called "Sarah Palin" this weekend.  Yeah, you betcha I was insulted.  Yes, I was wearing a red dress and glasses, but it was the 4th of July and my contacts were bothering me.  Excuse me while I add "taking away my ability to wear red dresses on days where I am wearing my glasses" to my list of reasons why I am unimpressed with that folksy little lady.  And you betcha I just did.  

Moving on to bigger and better things, here is what a nice batch of Waldorf salad looks like.  Sorry for the terrible lighting.  


Here's what you'll need should you decide to make your own.  I didn't really measure anything, so these are estimates.  

2 apples, chopped (I used Braeburn) 
1 cup grapes, halved (I used red, but you can mix & match or just use green)
2-4 celery stalks, diced
1/2 cup pecans, chopped 
1/2-3/4 cup mini marshmallows
1/3 cup raisins 
1/2 cup plain yogurt 
1/4 cup sour cream

Mix everything in a large bowl.  Chill and serve.  Or just eat it right away.  I ate two bowls of it.  I just ran 5 miles, so I can do that kind of thing.  At least that's what I kept telling myself.  

I know real Waldorf salad calls for mayo, but I'm still not sure how I feel about the lowfat mayo I got at Trader Joe's and I didn't want to risk ruining this salad by adding it in there.  I think it's totally fine without it, but if you want a little mayo, feel free to add some.  I also have no idea what the actual amounts of yogurt and sour cream were that I used.  I just dumped some yogurt in, added a couple spoonfuls of sour cream, gave it a stir, and decided that it looked alright.  

You can even add a little flaxseed if you feel like it.  Holy fiber, Batman!

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Blogger Chris said...

Maybe you should have worn hip waders, that would have cleared things up a bit.

July 07, 2009  

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